2020- A Year That Dwelled On Hope

Shruthi Gopinath
3 min readJun 4, 2021


The year 2020 was challenging and a very difficult year for people across the world. The year was full of fear, uncertainties, tears, and insecurities. Raise your hands if you agree with me…I am sure you do!

It was a year that unfolded into something that we could never imagine in our wildest dream. The entire mankind is being affected by a monstrous pandemic!! It did not make a difference whether you are rich or poor, your caste, creed or color.

image source: splash.com

The journey….

Like every other New year’s eve, we celebrated the eve of Jan 1, 2020 not knowing what the year would unfold into. Life took a different turn during mid-March when it was officially declared that COVID has spread to our country. The anxiety and panic increased when schools, offices, and the world in itself came to a standstill.

Being a mother, all my focus and energy were imbibed into keeping my kids safe. Amongst the series of lockdowns that were declared, each day I had to come up with new strategies to keep the kids engaged at home. My 7-year-old could still understand the situation and he tried his best to cope with it. However, the toddler twins (who were just a year and a half) could not come to terms with the fact that they are going to be stuck within the walls for many more days to come.

As days passed by through Zoom calls to WhatsApp groups, online schooling, work-from-home to shop -from -home, the digital platforms took over. We all started to get used to what we call the new normal!

As days went on to be months, slowly as the rest of the world, I started to get anxious too. With no house help, handling kids, and the frustration about not being able to find time for myself, life started to take a toll. The initial days of fun and merry of home soon becoming a sort of depression, boredom, and impatience. But being a mom, I could not give up so easily and I didn’t want my kids to be affected. I had to find the silver lining amongst the darkness and keep the family motivated too.

I started to depend on various wellness strategies and methods to keep my sanity. Thanks to the countless Youtube channels for providing a lot of wellness programs for free!! I took a 21-day meditation challenge, which soon became my very nature and habit. I started to find peace and more clarity in life. Working out and eating healthy was another habit that I nurtured during these lockdown period. I tried to develop my skills and find my passion. Gardening and writing journals were other methods that I relied on to de-stress myself. I decided to spend quality time with my kids and they taught me to look beyond the negativity and to smile amid chaos.

Take away lessons from the past year:

  • Learned to be happy with less and to enjoy life’s little pleasures.
  • Learned to slow down in life, appreciate nature, and take care of it. Chirping birds, the smell of the newly bloomed jasmine…I started to take in the beauty of every bit of nature.
  • I learned the value of life, to love myself more, and to be thankful to God for this precious gift.
  • To appreciate and care for everyone who played a role in my life.
  • It taught me to value relationships.

The year 2020 has made me realize that nothing is permanent in life. In the blink of an eye, everything is bound to change. I learned to adapt and accept changes. To be grateful and value life.

With all these being said, I must admit that the challenges and the difficulties of the year 2020, have molded me into a better version of myself for the year ‘2021’.

We are in this together! Let me know how you all are sailing through this new normal.



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